Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Government

Sunday was the day when i gave my gang from my complex where i stay. We call ourself "The Government"...wierd name for a group..but thats exactly how we are! Lazy, Careless...and most important, we never break rules...we only make newer ones..thats our policy..why break rules when you u can create a new to get things done..well thats how govt operates isnt it? Lemme introduce you to the Ministers...Rohan aka Ruan, the futbal star among us..eats,lives and even sleeps with his football..then comes Dinesh aka Dan..the only commited person in the gang...a perfect BF..then theres the old-monk...Chirag aka craig..loves the way he is..and me aka Viz. So the govt had a blast at pop-tates at rmall..our fav hangout. 1 pitcher of rc and Minty cool...the latter was my order. yep..m the only teetotaller in govt. After a litre or two of beer ..u knw how ppl feel hungry..we decided to head to tandoor corner.Me, dan and ruan tearing the tandoor as lions do to the deers..craig..is a chicken freak...he chickens out eating chicken...dunno y...but no chicken has stayed in his stomach for more than a minute...but this day was an exception...his head started spinning at the very sight of tandoor. He went out...as we were busy going with our tandoor..we realised that craig wasnt at his place...dan went out to look for him...n der we have...the old monk...almost unconcious..lying near the joint...dan dragged us out...almost forcibly separating us from the yummy tandoors....and there we saw him...lying down...after some time..hes back to normal...n we head towards...ccd...this was the last place expected after gulping litres of beer and munching kilos of tandoor...but as i say we are the govt...we can do nething.We tried to order sumthing different each...all sounding different..bt the end result was more or less the same. Sum genius minds might hav worked hard to think of so many different names for the good old coffee.