Well as I write this I cant help
but quote one of the many funny lines Chandler has said in the famous series
F.R.I.E.N.D.S- “Oh yeah, I'm a gym member. I try to go four times a week, but
I've missed the last...twelve hundred times”
And out of the few times I have
been in gym, I have seen the 7 kinds of people around:
1. The
Hulk: These are regulars. They take out time from gym and give some time for
friends, family and work. They intimidate you. You have just one expression
when you see them – ‘wow!’ and one question when you see them ‘how?!’. You don’t
want to be them; you can’t be them for sure. Yet you are jealous. They make you
nervous when you have to work out near them. They don’t give a damn what others
do. They keep working out and never leave before you do.
2. The
Young Gun: He is in awe with the hulk. He wants to be the next hulk. Typically in
his late teens or early twenties. You can see him screaming at the top of his
vocal cord pulling up one extra rep of that heavy dumbbell which is way out of
his league. They make the quarter-lifers realize why they are getting more
3. The
Seekers: They need expert advice on everything. They talk more than they work
out. They are always around the gym staff. They need to know what they should
eat, how is the best way to work out etc. They are never satisfied with the
answers. They have access to probably more information about working out than
the gym staff. If only they worked out as much they talk.
4. Uncles
& Aunties: They are the ones who realize pretty late that they need to be
fit. But better late than never. They will run on a threadmill wearing salwar
with a nike, they read newspapers while cycling.Yet you have to commend their
5. The
Time- Passers: They will find all the excuse to not work out. They will talk
around. They will watch TV. They will request the manager to put a particular
song. They will discuss about work out. They will gossip. They will constantly
look at the clock. For them 20 reps means 10. And when its finally time to
leave, they will look even more tired than the hulk.
6. The
Babe – You have absolutely no idea why she is in the gym. But surely after
seeing her you will know why a lot of others are so regular in gym. 80% of time
of the trainer is usually reserved for the babe and you can see the result too.
7. The
Paying Guest: I am one of them. I paid for an annual membership (heights of
optimism) to convert my family pack to a ..err…probably not a six pack, but
yeah at least ground zero. I am the one who goes on rare occasions. I am
treated like a guest. My instructor has just one question to ask – when am I coming
again next time? I always tell him “tomorrow! (read: I have no idea)”. And one
fine day, while hogging to some really delicious junk, I burp loud holding my
paunch and the feeling of guilt reminds me of my annual membership that I need
to use sometimes. Once again I take an oath to visit my gym after…hmm…I don’t remember
when I went there last! Life goes on...