If you take a
selfie of your life in the past couple of years, the hashtagged words born out
of smartphone usage has slowly become a part of your daily life...yes that’s
quite obvious from the first very statement of this post. There are many
questions hovering in my head regarding smartphone usage. Let me list it down,
I am sure I speak on behalf on many people out there.
1. Why don’t we call a dear friend whom I haven’t talked
for ages, when we are constantly in touch with them through whatsapp?
2. Do people share their happiness and sorrows on
social media just because we have stopped asking them how they are and how’s
3. Why are we so eager to share the picture of the
food we eat on Instagram than to taste it first?
Why is our self esteem measured by new units
like ‘Likes’, ‘Shares’, ‘Mentions’ etc?
Why do we keep ourselves awake by keeping our
phones on late night, why do we take it to our bed?
6. Why do we panic when someone borrows our phone
and we are not able to reply to the chats?
7. Why have we deprived ourselves opportunities to
talk to strangers to ask for ways when we are lost, why do we rather stick our
heads to our phone screens using Maps app?
8. Why do we speak sub-standard language using
words like LOL, Hashtags, Pings in the world beyond smartphones?
Why do we see our friends who have met for a
dinner stuck to their respective phones?
Why does a child crave for attention from his
father when he is back home from work but still carrying work on his
Why do we use smartphones when we are driving,
watching a movie in a theatre, crossing a road even peeing!
Why are we so obsessed to get a perfect selfie
and post it online and finally be happy about ourselves according to the number
of likes received?
Why don’t we remember any phone numbers like we
used to do before?
Why do we have to tell someone to repeat
something they just said, just because we were paying attention to our
smartphone at the first time?
Why do we feel insecure when our loved one has
read yet not replied to our chat?
Why do we fear low battery, being tagged in a
picture, being seen last online at, the blue ticks, check-ins, etc
I am sure
there are many such questions in everyone’s mind. Like everyone, I too keep
wondering about these questions and yet do nothing about it. Am I over reacting
or am I making sense? Are corrections required or are things just fine as it is?
I don’t know the answers for these questions as of yet. But one thing is certain;
Our Phones are getting smarter while we are getting dumber by the day.