Sunday, December 27, 2009


Phew...finally the marathon is over. 11 alien subjects, 2 papers each day..that was something! It is not as if I haven't experienced this before, my engg days were get an ocean to swim in few days before the actual exam, you just go on swimming till you reach the golden figure - 40/100. Some guy had joked about Anil Kumble raising his bat once he reaches 40..yep he is a "so-called engineer" too! 40 is all what I and most others aimed just swim without realising why the hell are you swimming for??! That was the biggest mistake I had did during my engg days. I didn't want to be a bad engineer, so I thought of doing MBA. At least I get a chance to be a Good Manager. (Inshallah!) But then it was a deja vu for me when I tried mugging up my Managerial Economics thing. I stopped for a second and thot , "Hell! Not again..can compromise with marks but not with learning". People tipped the more the pages the more you get marks, I thought of risking that too! I will Do It On my terms - thats what 3 idiots is all about and I was relieved to see 'Rancho' seconding my belief, when I saw that flick with my engg mates! This is my last chance to learn while earning a degree and I will do it on my terms...if thats what idiot stands for, then I am proud to be an IDIOT!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Where do I start?

Thats one of the best questions to ask yourself when you have exams ahead of you and loads of fun that you did behind you, while others were busy noting down things during the lecture so that you can give great business to the xerox waala just around the corner of your college...believe me thats "the place" you can hear the back-benchers ( one of them!)..talking serious stuff about studies..that is the place of ultimate suddenly feel you are enlightened..get to know the-god-knows-why- such-a- name (s) of subjects..the books or notes to be xeroxed...and above all, how badly you have screwed yourself. Life is full of excitement when you are a last minute slogger like me! I have faced this slogfest time and again during my engineering days when I used to repeatedly pledge that I will start studying regularly from next sem which never arrived. This time things are bit complicated...from Fluid Mechanics, Thermal Engg to Accounts, Economics..lifes changing for sure..! Only one hope, after clearing the wierdest subjects in engg....this too should not be a hassle..well thats just a baseless confidence that a B.E. degree can give you..lets see what happens when I actually bite the dust. Keep watching this space for more!