Sunday, December 27, 2009


Phew...finally the marathon is over. 11 alien subjects, 2 papers each day..that was something! It is not as if I haven't experienced this before, my engg days were get an ocean to swim in few days before the actual exam, you just go on swimming till you reach the golden figure - 40/100. Some guy had joked about Anil Kumble raising his bat once he reaches 40..yep he is a "so-called engineer" too! 40 is all what I and most others aimed just swim without realising why the hell are you swimming for??! That was the biggest mistake I had did during my engg days. I didn't want to be a bad engineer, so I thought of doing MBA. At least I get a chance to be a Good Manager. (Inshallah!) But then it was a deja vu for me when I tried mugging up my Managerial Economics thing. I stopped for a second and thot , "Hell! Not again..can compromise with marks but not with learning". People tipped the more the pages the more you get marks, I thought of risking that too! I will Do It On my terms - thats what 3 idiots is all about and I was relieved to see 'Rancho' seconding my belief, when I saw that flick with my engg mates! This is my last chance to learn while earning a degree and I will do it on my terms...if thats what idiot stands for, then I am proud to be an IDIOT!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Where do I start?

Thats one of the best questions to ask yourself when you have exams ahead of you and loads of fun that you did behind you, while others were busy noting down things during the lecture so that you can give great business to the xerox waala just around the corner of your college...believe me thats "the place" you can hear the back-benchers ( one of them!)..talking serious stuff about studies..that is the place of ultimate suddenly feel you are enlightened..get to know the-god-knows-why- such-a- name (s) of subjects..the books or notes to be xeroxed...and above all, how badly you have screwed yourself. Life is full of excitement when you are a last minute slogger like me! I have faced this slogfest time and again during my engineering days when I used to repeatedly pledge that I will start studying regularly from next sem which never arrived. This time things are bit complicated...from Fluid Mechanics, Thermal Engg to Accounts, Economics..lifes changing for sure..! Only one hope, after clearing the wierdest subjects in engg....this too should not be a hassle..well thats just a baseless confidence that a B.E. degree can give you..lets see what happens when I actually bite the dust. Keep watching this space for more!

Friday, November 27, 2009

I dint light the candle...

....Why should I? Those chaps didnt die for our solidarity. They never cared to be posthmously honoured. They never wanted us to wear white to express our anger, our care, our protest or whatever s**t we wanted to express to do our "nano" bit for the country. Crap! who needs all this??? Someone does..some people have their cash registers ringing throught the entire week ,forget the infamous day, throwing what they call, " the rememberance" , "the memory" to us who really dont want to watch it all again but have to, as it is everywhere: in all the News Channels, in the papers, on the streets. The very Media, as we all know, were more than obliged to telecast, "live from the battlefield", the entire chilling episode which was deliberately designed to be "Television-Friendly". It is a sad irony that they have the audacity or utter shamelessness to express their 'grief' bringing a bunch of good-for-nothing experts who have nothing better to do, than to tell us something which we already know. And all those innocent souls who light candles to express their empathy, wear white T-shirt having some pretty cool lines to flaunt - if you really want to do something, go join the Army, they are anyways short of People!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Piggy Sneeze

Aaaaacchhhhoooo!... this was one of my usual sneeze from a regular Cold that i catch periodically. But this wasnt the same for the others sharing my personal space with bodies touching almost end to end in a packed local train to college. They gave me a very victimising look as if i have killed someone. Cummon it was just a sneeze not even a dreaded fart after eating vadapav garnished with Garlic chutney! Well as the wisemen say, times change it all. This very innocent Sneeze has been looked upon like a criminal in a country where people dont mind eating crap near the gutters on the road with loads of sweat and and couple of drops of Nose droplets. They can tolerate all the spits on the local train, showers of sweat sprinkled by fellow passengers and even drink water coming straight out of a municipal tap. They are not bothered about Malaria, TB etc etc. But their hands are quick enough to take out the even dirtier handkerchieves and useless masks to protect them selves from the so called Life threatening Swine Flu! Even i felt out of place when i dint use my handkerchief and started using it. But then hello i am educated not for no reason..checked couple of sites and read it on newspaper and got the facts right. The hanky is in the right place now..well for the cold..yeah its slowly giving up. I hope Mumbaikars become aware or else i am not sure about the Flu but yeah the panic will surely kill them. Lastly I would like to share an SMS that was sent to me by a college buddy...

"900 ppl affected by Swine Flu and everyone wears a mask
20 Million have AIDS and still no one ready to wear a condom!"

Wake up India!

Got into a B-skul finally!!

PHEW!!! ...and quite a emphatic one..after failing continously thrice in CAT, twice in CET, and cant remember the other countless tests i had given in hope to get into a B-School. Yes, I got into SIES College of Management Studies, Mumbai through our favourite MAH-CET :)...I made it late...but no regrets tho...recession is slowly fadin away. First two days were ragged! lets see how things mover from hereon..

Saturday, May 2, 2009

That ink on my middle finger...

Its an amazing feeling to be a part of the minority which is actively involved in making the government. As the ink was driven above the nail of my middle finger to the bottom of it a sense of responsibility ushered in my viens as i was going to play a pivotal albiet a tiny role in creating a successful democracy that India is today. Although majority of Mumbaikars thought otherwise. After all the Hue & Cry they made post 26/11 it was surprising to see that they prefered to chose the extended weekend holiday at Goa rather than exercising their fundamental right. Or was it the scorching heat that they chose to sit in the comforts of their homes enjoying the News showing celebrities flasing their Middle fingers! All the awareness, publicity campaigns, social activism went down the drain when more than 50% of the mumbaikars chose not to Vote. It is rightly said no amount of Marketing can help sell a bad product. Whom to vote? and Why? It doesnt make any difference to me anyways? These questions found no answers. 49-O was a big hit post Mumbai Blasts. You could see lot of youngsters who made huge banners out of it. But they hardly knew how to do it actually? Does Mumbai loses its right to complain? The answer is No. We pay 60% of entire taxes collected by the Government. Not Voting should not be a reason Mumbai cannot complain. As a democracy we have full right to not to Vote too. So Mr.Advani please keep your ideas about compulsory voting with yourself. What is required is we need a fundamental change in chosing the candidates within the party. The youth is not at all interested in supporting someone who has Murder charges against him or who has a fake doctorate. And then when the product will improve it will sell too.

Friday, April 17, 2009

2 years of Hibernation!

I am back..after 2 years of hibernation...where was I...well to jus give you a recap i left my BPO...believe it was a great experience...even got awarded the Best Team Lead within 5 Months of Joining! I had made great friends there in my team. I joined Godrej, more than a century old company, almost a semi-govt thing with staff working like Babus in proper formals. Every one trying to prove his importance treating trainees like me like we are straight out of womb...bloddy mr. Know it alls...but today I feel delighted to write that I am leaving this organisation in 3 months. I have put my papers in a hope that i will get into some decent B-School. Learnt a thing or two about Marketing in Godrej Stint now wanna get a proper Degree in it.Lets see what watch this space for more...probably it will be updated after my MBA...inshallah!