Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why this viral di???

 ‘Why This Kolaveri Di (Why This Murderous Rage, Girl?) is an Indian song from the soundtrack of the upcoming Tamil film 3, which is due to be released in 2012… The song was officially released on 16 November 2011, and it instantly became viral on social networking sites for its quirky “Tanglish” (portmanteau word of Tamil and English) lyrics. Soon, the song became the most searched YouTube video in India. Within a few weeks, YouTube honored the track with a Gold Award for getting the most number of hits.’

 – This is an official Wiki Entry for the Kolaveri Song and pretty much sums up the introduction for a song for all those (if at all) unaware of the phenomenon. If there are actually people like that I guess we can successfully declare them Web-Illiterate.

When I first saw the song pretty much before most of us started sharing it, for me it was a catchy song sung by a southie star for promoting his new movie through social media. What followed was a mass sharing on facebook with endless likes and status messages about the song, crores of tweets and millions of hits on youtube. Many of them shared it just because others were sharing it.  It took me completely by surprise that my north Indian friends started humming the song and they thought Dhanush was a south Indian singer until I corrected them. Last heard the song has crossed borders and even Pakistanis are going gaga over it. And then we were thrown in some interesting and some really ridiculous versions of the song, all trying to cash in the fame. This included a female version (yaawwn!), Metal version (murderous rage to the core), Rnb version (wannabe), Sharad Pawar Slap Song (okayish) and even a jr sonu nigam version (cute, good way to make a son popular)

Many of us have wondered why this song has become so viral, I have tried to pen down some of which I have heard or read:

1.     The Musical Theory: First of all let’s not take the credit from the creators of the song. The young Music director, Anirudh Ravichander and the Actor cum Singer cum Lyricist, Dhanush is told to have composed and made the song in 25 minutes flat. The song has simple urban lyrics, very simple to be understood and one that you can relate to easily. This makes the song very hummable even by a non-tamilian. It has a very addictive rhythm that makes you listen repeatedly.

2.     The ripple effect: You might have seen the video just to know why people are sharing it and many others have done it too. This has in turn made it even more popular.

3.     A highly critical but interesting theory:  Reasoning why the soup song has become so popular is also the reason why it is so popular. We can conclude two things from the fact that it has become so popular - First, it is establishing that we live anxious lives, always in the quest of answers for the Five Ws, the one H and their cousins. It is probably out of this curiosity and never ending journey to know the unknown that we are listening to it again and again. Second, by going viral we are also trying to heal our anxious selves. There is often so much things of meaning around, meaning being created out of nothing, meanings to explain the unexplained, meanings to define, to regularise, to legalise – that at times we feel it is good to transport ourselves to modes of zero-meaning; where there is no meaning of anything whatsoever. Kolaveri di is one such zero-meaning mode. Let us not unravel the meaning of why this kolaveri di, it supposed to have no meaning and let it be that way. It is just a moment of zero gravity for our mind.

4.    The Mathew effect: The Matthew Effect dates from the 1960s. It is the theory, first expressed by sociologist Robert K. Merton, that those who possess power and economic or social capital can leverage those resources to gain more power or capital. Put simply: the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Or as it is expressed in the Gospel of St Matthew, from which the effect takes its name - “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” Thanks to the Matthew Effect, the already famous get more famous, the often quoted get more and more quoted…It is easy to see how this transfers into social media – the more something is spread the more it will be spread even further by word of mouth. So next time you see 15 friends from your list sharing a same link, there is high probability that you would be in that list too on your friend's walls.

5.     Rajnikant –  .
Can't believe you are actually searching for an explanation here!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What to expect from a Sales Job after MBA!

  1. Your Targets – That’s the first word that pops into your mind when you hear ‘Sales’ and sure it is the first thing that you are fed with once you are ‘Sales – ready’. It all starts from this one most dreaded word. This is one number that constantly hovers around your mind most of the time. And after 20th of every month, this number starts intruding your sleep and can give the ghosts in your nightmares a run for their money. Suddenly you will recite this holy number even when you are deep asleep. Suddenly you will realise you remember this number more than your best friends birthday.

  1. Your Product – Before being sales ready, you are given a bible of sorts about the product you are going to sell. Trust me it is the best sleep inducer. You try to read the alien language and repeatedly fail after the 3rd page and promise yourself – “Next time, I am gonna read it full No matter what”. And thus you give birth to a fine art which is overused ruthlessly & repeatedly – ‘Procrastination’. You master it as time passes. But thankfully this stops much later when you start answering the customer with “Sir, I will get back to you on this”. This is when you will go back to the biblical product book and will read all those words with so much enthusiasm like never before. You will suddenly see your product everywhere while previously you never knew this product even existed. The very sight of it make you go “hey I sell them!” with a glee. You get possessive about your product and donot like a single word against it. This is when you know about your product like never before. Its like an arranged marriage of sorts, you don’t have a choice but to love your product.

  1. Your Boss – Usually a guy who had started like you. Do not presume he doesn’t know the ground realities. Don’t make false stories of why something didn’t happen. You will be caught and bowled. He will be behind you all the time like a thermo-sensing missile, like a Hutch Pug – ‘where ever you go our network follows’. He will ensure that your life is a pressure cooker. The more heat on your bum, the more you whistle. At times he will show you your real worth, will prove how a big mistake was it to recruit you, how useless you are and the list of insults goes on. At the beginning you take it to heart and his words keep banging your head all the time. Later you get accustomed to it. Moral of the story : Don’t take your bosses brickbats very seriously learn to shut off when he starts his blah, but take his praises more than seriously (you will get to hear it very rarely)

  1. Your Life – If you are someone who has never lived out of your home, things are going to be really different for you. Suddenly you will get to learn a lot of things which you thought were by default your Bai’s. You learn to wash your clothes by your own hand, you broom, clean your utensils. You get to know the prices of groceries & vegetables; even names of some you never knew. You will work on Saturdays; your Sundays will seem longer. You will find yourself watching every stupid movies releasing on friday. Your laptop is full of stuffs like ______ (Fill in the blanks as per your own interests). Facebook is where you meet your friends. You will start calling people whom you used to ignore just to hear someone talking. You will feel happy to see your home location in movies, in my case ‘Mumbai’ - which is seen in every second movie. You will stare people speaking your mother tongue as if you seen a UFO full of Martians. You suddenly start liking the “The customer is on another call” message, because you feel like home when you hear it in Marathi. Maggi is your saviour when the cook bunks work. You start learning how to use different weapons in kitchen. You will search for holidays to book tickets to your hometown. When you reach home, you tell mom to cook all those things you generally complained about for having every second day. Your 2 days in your home-city = 1 month in your job location.

Despite all odds, I believe the learning is immense. You are enlightened by the fact that not everything Philip Kotler said was true. All those presentations, projects, assignments, case-studies etc will seem fake and will fall flat on your face. You learn what really works and what not. This is truly the first step for all Marketing Aspirants. You get to evolve as a person. You become Independent and start becoming more responsible. You get to meet new people, see new places and learn new things. I was hesitant and apprehensive at the beginning to take up this assignment. Now when I look back I feel,I would have missed a great deal had I declined it. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Experiments with Kitchen

Off late I have been staying with a colleague of mine as a make-shift arrangement, as my company sponsored hotel accommodation had surpassed its day limits and I haven’t yet found a roof for myself yet. My colleague who is shortly planning to get settled has made this place a ‘proper home’ unlike the transit-camp like bachelors home. Every morning I used to wake up late shamelessly, and used to find him making some breakfast for both of us. Today was different, I woke up and the kitchen was waiting for some one to come and use it. My colleague had gone to his hometown for a ceremony. It was an early morning hunger and old habits die hard. Subconsciously my hand opened the refrigerator and found nothing but milk, water, jam nothing of which could be eaten as breakfast as it it. Ok I could get a pack of bread from the store down, if it was open. If you are planning to have bread in the morning, postpone your breakfast till atleast 11 am. That’s when the shops open here, take it or leave it – that’s Raipur for you! So bread-jam was out of choice, I raided the kitchen to find one packet of maggi, and I was unsuccessful. My tummy kept growling and I couldn’t think of something to keep it quite. I suddenly recalled, once as my colleague was making poha, I casually asked him, how is it made and he had told me the recipe like a quick tip. Being from Indore, poha came naturally to him. I had the entire kitchen with me and this was possibly the best time to experiment, there is no one to laugh! So I took the plunge and tried recalling and doing the steps –
1. Take some poha, salt, garam masala, haldi powder. Some? This is the most difficult aspect to start with, you don’t know exactly what is ‘some’. Is it a handful? 2 Cups, 1 teaspoon, pinch? You will just not know it unless it is made and eaten. The next time when you make it the ‘some’ changes and it keeps on changing after each attempt till you have mastered the art. Its like repeated iterations till you find the perfect unkown in an equation. (Ok if you dint get this, not your fault, we engineers have learnt a lot of useless stuff which we like to flaunt whenever we get an opportunity to relate it with real life. This was one of them!)

2. Wetten your poha and add ‘some’ garam masala, Haldi powder and Salt to it. Mix them well and you can already smell the masala which boosts your confidence.

3. Chop onions and green chilly, ignore the shape of onion pieces you have cut. It will never match your mom’s. So leave it like that, start liking it. Any ways its gonna go inside your tummy.

4. Take a tawa, heat it. Hell! Why isn’t the stove not burning? Tick, tick, tick! Failed! I bend down to see the cylinder knob. I look closely whether the position is really ‘close’ or ‘open’ and what is exactly close or open. This is what happens when you use the stove after a really long time. The last time you used it was when you had to make maggi when your mom had went out and you were hungry.

5. Back to the tawa. Carefully add drops of oil and let it heat till ‘some’ time. Now comes some audio part – Rai Fodni! This is something basic common denominator for most of the Indian food. I gave my mom credits for this as the mustard seeds fell from my hand into the oil. Add the chop onions and chilly to it.

6. Now add the wet poha to this tawa, stir it with some utensil, I don’t know what it is called. After doing this for a while, remove it from the stove and add some bhujia to it. (Atleast bhujia would be edible for sure, since I haven’t made it.)

Tadaaaaa! Hopefully I have made something reasonably edible. I prayed as I put one spoon of it in my mouth. I didn’t want to throw it in the garbage bin. And Voila! The poha tasted surprisingly good with a pinch of salt more than required, which can be forgiven. In case you actually read this recipe religiously just a warning: I was plain lucky!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Corporate Debut

This is a post which is a compilation of me and my friend’s experiences when you join an organisation. You need not go through each one of this, but some of them should make some sense to you. For all those who are already working, this might bring back memories of your initial days, for others this is something you may expect!

Day 1: Form-ality

Forms, Forms & More Forms. You realise, you have been using the PC much more than the mighty pen. Your fingers struggle to control the way the pen moves and you write in a handwriting you don’t recognize as yours. The Bank Guy opens a salary account for you on the spot which might have taken ages and repeated visits had you visited a bank yourself. You sign at atleast 100 places, each one differently. You check out your Debit Card and the Cheque Book in a way a Kid checks out his new toy. You try to break ice with other colleagues joined with you. The HR usually are often amused to see such bunch of confused souls joining together and pray that they don’t have to find replacement for them soon.

Day 2: Where’s my place?

This is one thing everyone is very excited about - Your cubicle! The Place where you would be chatting, whining, cursing, swearing, gossiping, bitching, sleeping, playing games, secretly logging to Gmail & FB and sometimes even do a bit of work! Once you get to know where your cubicle is, you do the recee of the area and try to find the ‘safest’ angle and position of your seat. Office privacy is ofcourse a topic of high importance. Allright what have we got here – A PC! Lets switch it on. Window --> IE -->”Windows cannot display your page”. Damn! Now what? OK lets try something else, Windows -->Games -->Solitaire, Yaay! Solitaire is something you will definitely find in any pc even if it doesn’t have a thing to keep you busy. So ensure you know how to play Solitaire.

Day 3: Know thy neighbours

You introduce yourself to your cubicle-ites. You are taken around and introduced to each and every person on the floor. After sometime, you start noticing the grin on your introducer’s and others face or is it just a figment of your imagination? You hear voices, ‘why on earth has he/she joined here”. Your jaws start aching after putting up a fake smile to each and every one. Smiling despite apprehension, confusion and nervousness does take efforts. People say the feeling is similar when you get married.

Day 4: Hello? IT helpdesk? Ohhh….Ok I will call again later

You have now become a champ of solitaire and there is nothing more to achieve. You realise you cannot live without the most and probably the only useful, important and interesting part of your PC viz the Internet. You call up probably one of the most busiest dept in any office – The IT helpdesk. Their hectic schedule is a shadow of goof-ups they have given birth to. So after umpteen calling back again and followups, the online ticket is raised whose status keeps yo-yo-ing between pending and resolved. They have a six-sigma for not solving the issue correctly the first time. Finally the matter is solved and your PC suddenly becomes much more interesting than ever before.

Day 5: Love thy neighbours

“Hey why don’t you join us for lunch?” – you hear this and are relieved that you would not be eating alone from now onwards. After many lunch and coffee/smoke/drink sessions, your colleagues turn into friends. They tell you the ‘who-is-what’s, how to deal with different kind of creatures in the office, the affairs, working proxies etc. This is the real induction.

Day 6...10..30...: Monday

You have been pretty much doing nothing for many days since you joined except for going through the same presentations repeatedly, surf the net, chat and keep checking the PC clock till 1.30 pm lunch and 6 pm to leave for the day. .Monday is synonymous to the day when your actual work begins. This can be day 6 for some, day 10 for some, even day 35, 50, 60 for the unlucky. Some noble soul realises someday that you have been sitting idle and being wasted for long enough. And you for once and for the first and last time become actually happy to get some work! You start taking baby steps, trying to stand, holding finger and walking and finally walking alone and after some time running, jumping too. You have done it all. You do this day in and day out. This gets xeroxed day after day. This is when your job starts becoming routine. You start waiting for Friday like a prisoner awaits end of his term and wish the next Monday never comes. Now you have truly arrived. Welcome to the corporate world!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Raipur Diaries - 1

As my flight was about to land at Raipur Airport, I was shocked looking at the cattle and fields from the fibreglass windows of Airbus. 'Why are they punishing me by sending me here!?' was the thought continuously buzzing around my mind like a honeybee. I got down at the Fan-Conditioned Airport and was received by the hotel guy. Throughout the 40 minute drive through the fields and trees, I  kept questioning the credibility of Google Maps. Hell! Wait a minute, this was not the Raipur I had seen on Google. Crosschecked the ticket - It said 'Raipur'. Finally I could see few buildings and some more as I realised we had entered proper city and the airport was on the outskirts. I managed to restart my heartbeat and bring back my breath. Raipur did begin with a kind of shocker.

Its been 3 days now since I joined office. I had just started getting along with the like-aged colleagues who were searching for accommodation just like me. It is a pain finding rental homes here for bachelors and people shoo you as if you are a salesman. Their eyes will scan you as if you are a terrorist and want the flat for planning a nuclear bomb attack in Raipur, of all! Wish Google could help us with it. Roaming around in search of a home, I made good friends with them. On the fourth day we planned to watch a movie in the cinema next to our office. For once, I thought maybe I will stop missing Mumbai now that I have made friends here and found out some options to hangout. This thought was dampened by the sudden rains that fell on my forehead as we moved out of the Mall. This rain felt like a stranger to me. This was not the usual thick, continuous, heavy rains of Mumbai. No matter how much It causes you inconvenience, still there is something about Mumbai Rains which you would appreciate only when you are out of the city. Some things cannot be explained it can be just experienced! I guess it will take a little more longer to stop missing my good old city of dreams!

Monday, April 18, 2011


For the first time in my life, I am not able to find words to write a new post as I am sitting on the Mumbai Airport Lounge waiting for my flight to Raipur! Yes, you heard it right. In case you were weak at geography or GK for that matter, It is the capital city of Chattisgarh. This state is known only for three things - The forests filled with of dacoits, majority of the Tigers still alive in India and The Naxals. Well this is the popular opinion about the city (supposed to be), where I am being posted after a month long stretched Training period come paid holiday from Tata Motors. Its strange where life takes you. I had never in my wildest dreams imagined to go to Raipur from a fast paced Mumbai full of friends, family and fun! As I sit here, on a crossroad, a crucial juncture of my life, I look back and rewind the good old days in Mumbai. It was yesterday night that 'the government' enjoyed it's probably the last such 'Ice-cream cum booze weekend'. With Dan moving out of Country, Craig trying to tie a knot before the wine ages more and Me chasing the great Indian dream, we are not sure when will that day come again when we laughed endlessly, did crazy acts and had loads of fun together. But looking back, I was lucky that we had so much of fun for the last 7 years, I couldnt ask for more. As I wait for my flight to arrive, I am trying to leave things behind and move ahead with optimism and embrace the change. Everything happens for a reason and for good!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bleed Blue

I was on the internet checking scores on Rediff Scores while the Grand Finale of World Cup 2011 was been seen by my entire family in the Living Room. Why? My Dad wasnt allowing me to watch the match being superstitious. Last time when India-Pak match was going on, I had exams the other day 'cause of which I was checking scores online and not watching it. and India Won. And he wanted my sis-in-law to sit in a particular chair. This is the magnitude of involvement of an average Indian while India is playing cricket. India had reached the finals of the world cup and close to winning it. The entire nation was glued to the television. The roads wore a deserted look. Pubs, Malls, Even housing societies displayed match on the Big Screen,so much that, projector was not available on rent. I saw Sachin and Sehwag go early, so I decided to follow my Dad's instruction and it did work. Gambhir, Kohli, Dhoni all showed the world what the new India is all about. Fearless, Resilient and Bold! The entire nation screamed, cried, hugged, danced as Dhoni hit that final six. You could here crackers for hours and it was like a festival. I was not born when India had become Independent, but I am sure the celebration would have been similar then. India lifted the world cup after 28 years as Virat Kohli and others carried Sachin over their shoulders to parade his home ground. This was indeed a tribute to the little master, a dream fulfilled. As rightly put by kohli, "Sachin has been carrying the burden for more than 20 years now,its time we carry him!" This victory is a sign of the coming of age of a nation with the largest youth in the world, raring to go and prove to the world that we are the champions!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Induction Training? Really?

"Tata Motors has spend close to Rs. 10,000/- on each trainee for the outbound training. It will not be possible to grant leave on such short notice. In case of emergency, I would request you to email the regional manager, the HR head and me"- This was the reply I got from my HR when I smsed him asking whether I can skip the scheduled outbound training at lonavala. I was waiting for my turn in the dispensary for a checkup suspecting fever. This message was more of a nice way to threaten me with dire consequences. The doctor advised me to stay indoors. I was wondering how am I going to manage that for an outbound training. After a long debate with my family, I made up mind to go with a clear mission in my mind - I will go there and just rest in the 5-star hotel citing medical reasons.

The bus was scheduled to leave Fort at around 5.45 am. Since it was humanly impossible for a thanekar like me to reach there before the sun does, I decided to catch the Bus midway at Dadar. After having a short nap in the plush AC cabin, we reached the hotel.  Unfortunately we were made to go to the conference hall before going to our rooms. There stood a guy, stylish, smart (obviously...who else could fool such corporate biggies to pay for such crap!) who addressed all of us and gave some gyaan. After some blah, he made us do activity and I was like, "I dont want to do this and want to go to the room and just relax!". Finally I thought not to be a cry baby and do whatever my body allowed me to do. And to my surprise, I found myself doing all those games and activities (read: Team building sessions :P) and it was great fun if not anything else. After sometime we were told to go to our rooms and relax for sometime and comeback. Again I couldnt stop myself from coming back and at the end of the day I ended up doing Treasure Hunt, Making a catapult, Human Pyramid and even walk over broken glass pieces! Yes you heard it right. All along it was interesting to see guys much elder to me, most of them married, behaving like kids, doing all kinds of keedas, even Dogging (Male version of bitching) about Guys from other parts of the country. There you realise the true meaning of Unity under Diversity!

The next day was a challenge, we were supposed to trek over a hillock, crossover to the next hill by valley crossing and comedown Rappelling over the Dukes Nose. Even though I could hear my Body telling me, "Noways are you going to do all that", My Mind was constantly pricking me up telling me.."I am not sure you will get the chance to do all this again, that too getting paid to do it". I chose to snub my body and listen to my mind as I was crawling to the top of the mountain. First up- Valley Crossing: After first few seconds of nervousness, It was a smooth breeze. The view to see the valley below you was superb! Then came the nightmare- Rappelling. As I held the ropes and took my few steps downward the cliff, my heatbeats beat the speeds of all the Tata Motor cars I was supposed to sell. We were too rappell down 350 feets! That almost a 30 storey building. After walking 90 degree to the cliff for sometime, my foot lost contact as I started to fall at a steady pace. It reminded me of the dreams we have when we suddenly experience the floor below your foot has suddenly slipped. I was really scared and for that moment, I realised that ambitions, career, money, aspirations etc are not at all in your mind when you experience a near death. Its just love and living that matters to live a good life.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kahaani me twist - Re-hired!

I was happily under TCS Hangover, that I got one more element of surprise that Life always manages to give me, just to make things interesting enough to be blogged about. I got a call from Tata Motors for an interview. Yes, the very company which I had been trying hard now for almost half a year. I had almost lost hope and had moulded my mind to be ready for whatever opportunity I get and I did too. "Why now?" was the only thing that came in my mind. I was happy, no doubt about that, but somewhere the happiness was hesitant. I agreed to be interviewed but my mind was still solving puzzles to understand whats happening. I couldnot understand why am I not entirely happy, when the opportunity to be associated with Automobiles had come knocking my doors, which I had been trying relentlessly and failed consistently right from 10th class!

I went for the interview. The office was like my home ground as I had done my summers there. The interviewer had seen me roaming clueless around dealerships. He quipped whether I was looking for a second Innings and I nodded in firm agreement. Then the Regional Head wanted to be convinced whether I was fit enough for the Job. I got a call informing that I was selected and I will receive the offer soon. I did get the offer which was too less for me to relocate out of Mumbai and then started a really long period of negotiations. Throughout this period I was being seduced by the awesome bucks TCS offered and its assumed comfortable Job Role with a possible chance of going abroad and earning a lot more awesome bucks! It was like making a choice between an arranged match and true love. Finally they agreed to pay more at the fag end. Today being the first day of me joining Tata Motors, I cant  help but to believe that Success is like a Butterfly, You run after runs away..and when you stand still, It comes and sits on you. What? Was it for happiness and not success? Well it suits me this way.

Friday, January 28, 2011


"Why MBA?" - this is one question that keeps haunting you right since you were preparing for the never ending entrance tests, when you get admissions, when you are studying for the course. You kept lying to yourself that you were doing it for growth, higher degree, value addition and all other blahs that you learnt during the course. But 21st Jan 2011 was the day when I had the moment of truth, I looked at the mirror and I found the answer - "I need a job". I knew that day was different.

Placements is the most emotionally charged event in an MBA college. Especially when you are in a Tier2 college.This is when you actually witness the supply-demand gap you have been learning about. A typical Tier2 MBA student is a 24 something who couldnot crack CAT and with some work-experience which is considered inadequate both in terms of quality as well as quantity by most of the recruiters. This guy is in a dilemma, he waits for something that does justice to his profile, while recruiters feel such profile are not doing justice to their high paying jobs. This is where frustration creeps in. In this frustration, you can witness scenes like people getting ecstatic for not getting selected while you can also see tears rolling down the cheeks for getting selected - Insane!

After being not selected (Although some people like to read it as 'rejected', I prefer this way), for 3 occasions, this time I had mentally prepared to fight to win. This is exactly what I did during, the otherwise very burdening process for me, GD. I started the GD for the first time in my life, there I sensed that 'I have arrived!". There was no looking back after that, I got shortlisted for the PI which was a smooth sail and it did have a happy end with finally getting to hear my name being announced by the Placement Manager as a selection for TCS E-serve! This day I came to  know the real meaning of the statement - "Attitude and not aptitude is what matters"

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Adventures of the Govt 3 : The Goan Hogfest!

       My dear friend Craig rightly says, "I guess we spent the entire 2010 eating". If the Chinese have 'The year of Tiger, Mongoose, Snakes etc', the government surely can name 2010 as The year of Hogging. We have been spending weekends hogging at possibly the best places in and around Mumbai, all those places which once we used to feel intimidated entering. Surely the Governments GDP is growing! We decided to give the year of hogging a much deserved climax - The Goan Hogfest!

     It was a chilly December morning, 5:45 am to be precise, when Craig's Dark Wife (his nick for his much beloved Black Alto) took a roar after being put to the first gear. The Trance Music blended effortlessly with the 100 kph cruise along the Mumbai-Pune Expressway. We touched NH4 at the break of dawn, and it was all a smooth ride through blooming sugar cane fields all along till Goa. We reached Mapusa in the evening and finally manged to find ourself a roof for just one day as for the rest days it was already arranged. Staying in Goa for 420 bucks for a day at the center of city was itself a great start. The night at '9 bar' at Vegathore was amazing with an international DJ getting us into the groove.

The rest 3 days we spent eating at some of the best places in Goa, Johncy's at Benaulim, Brittos at Baga, Lobo's at Calangute, Infantaria at Baga Road and Kashi's Diary at Vasco. No that is not a spelling mistake, thats how the Propreiter wishes to name his resto. Kashi's may not be as well known as other places, but yeah you get one of the most amazing Parathas, Chhole bauture, Jalebi, Mava Cake and Tea! It served as a welcome veggie break every morning to cure the Sea-food Hangover. The count of species that we had will surely make our tummies eligible to be called as aquarium. We had a great dinner on Jan 31st at Lobos and Finally we spent the new year inside our beloved Dark wife, cutting the blue berry cake from Infantaria away from the crowd, noise, buzz! Just with ourselves.

It was possibly one of the best times we had together, yet there was current of thought flowing somewhere inside the sea of enjoyment, that probably we may lead different lives from 2011, each having their own priorities. So this was the moment, and we wanted to live it to the fullest. This celebration of all the good times we had together propelled a great amount of 'josh' in me to look forward for 2011 which is going to be a great year. I am standing at the crossroads, this year is going to be the time when I chose the right roads for me both personally and professionally. I am!